Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Kiera Sucks! (her paci)

Kiera has had a very good week developmentally. She has still had her heart rate drop at least once a day almost every day this week, but has come back up easily with "bagging her" (manually giving her breaths). Here's the good stuff: the physical therapists are almost ready to promote her to the 3 month developmental level. Not bad for a 9 month old baby or even her adjusted age of 6 months old! :) She's moving much more fluidly. She just needs to kick her legs more and start raising her pelvis to lift her legs up. The other things she did today that were exciting: she started grabbing and reaching for some of her toys that we hang over her head. She has, until now, been content just looking at them, but had not attempted to grab them herself, although she has always held anything you place in her path (like her trach tube). Finally, I was able to get her to suck her pacifier for 10 minutes straight tonight. I held it for her, but ever since her coma, we have been unable to get her suck back. She would just push the paci or a finger around in her mouth without truly sucking. I held her paci and held her face with my palm to try to calm her and something just clicked. We'll have to see if it's repeatable.
On a side note: her psuedomonas has cropped up again, and she's on antibiotics again. Hopefully, it won't get too bad this time around. I've attached a few cute pics taken in the last month. Kiera is over 14 pounds now.

Love, Therese

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