Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kiera is going for the BIG 3!

It hardly seems possible that my former 1.5 pounder is 3 years old today, and at the same time, it feels like 3 years has been 10! We had a very busy day today which appropriately began with a doctor's appointment. In fact...she was in the exam room at the EXACT time she was born. :) Her "kid party" is Saturday, but with some family in town, we decided to go to the zoo and aquarium and follow it with dinner at the Independence Grill (THE VERY BEST RESTAURANT IN ALBUQUERQUE) and a birthday cake. However, Kiera fell asleep at dinner since we had skipped naptime, so she actually hasn't seen the cake yet or opened presents. Kiera only took part in the aquarium portion of the bio park trip. I have to say that today she was the most interactive with the fish as I have ever seen her. She definitely engaged in looking at them and seemed like such a big girl. Her first instinct when introduced to the Ray and Shark pool, with the very clear sign not to put hands in the water, was to attempt to reach over the wall and put her hand in the water. That's my girl!

Here are some pics. I will update again this weekend after the BIG Blues' Clues Party. Recognize the hat? I covered the Sherbet Bucket that she likes so much.


Anne said...

Happy Birthday! The sherbert bucket is the perfect party hat!

Raising6inNM said...

Love these pictures, thanks so much!! Does everybody say how much like you she looks?