Monday, March 14, 2011

Kiera can READ!

Yup...she's a genius. :) Kiera has been reading her sign language book to us for about the last month, and I was wondering if she recognized the words or just the pictures and illustrations of the signs. Soooo...with my 1st day off for spring break I wrote some of her words on a piece of paper and tested her. She was a bit distracted wanting to do other things, but she very clearly recognized and read (using sign language) 7 words: FRIEND, DIRTY, CLEAN, GRANDMA, BOOK, READ, and TRAIN. I am pretty sure she knows others, but I will have to test her later when she's in the mood to tolerate me. :) She also correctly identifies many letters of the alphabet and has been reading her I SPY alphabet book. I think her favorite letters are E and X. She can also spell GLUE and I think reads that word too. What a smarty pants! I'm so proud of her.


Sarah said...

For some reason, X is Emery's favorite letter, too.

Go Kiera!

Anne said...

That is beyond excellent!