Monday, September 30, 2013

Wrong direction...eek

Little worried. Kiera has been on the LTV since Saturday, but her PCO2's are slowly creeping up. 50's on Sat and Sun and now 66 today. I hope we don't have to go back on the big vent but won't be able to talk to doctors about it till after work. :(


Rain said...

wow...increase rate maybe? co2 is higher when sleeping of course. if she needs sildenafil for PH, there is also a med called Tracleer. I think it helped save Brooklyns life. Sildenafil didn't help her at all. but tracleer can damage the liver so there are monthly blood tests. I hope they can find a better setting on the LTV for her. I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. again.

Kiera Rose said...

Yeah. She did take sildenafil for a few years which fixed her PH. No one really knows why her CO2's are so high except that she has Chronic Lung Disease, etc.