Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kiera is doing great and weaning again!

Today was a very nice day, although Kiera was a busy bee. We had a great pulmo appt today and cut her ventilator rate to 12 and pressure support to 17, so she is now at approximately the same settings as before her illness in March except with a higher pressure support of 17 from the then 14. She will have a follow up in 4 weeks, and we'll see if we can get down to a rate of 10. We're getting closer to CPAP trials and weaning from the vent all the time.

Please love on your kids this month (and always). I keep seeing bad and worse news daily involving parents abusing children and worse, and it makes me so sad. People continuously throw away what my husband and I work so hard to hold on to. I wish more of the good stories would make the news so the world wouldn't seem like such a bereft place.


Jenny Stockwell said...


I discovered your blog about a week or so ago and I think you're doing a wonderful job telling your family's story. I started blogging when my son Ben came home after a lengthy hospital stay in the NICU. Blogging has been so helpful for me.

I'm a mom to twins boys born at 28 weeks, who weighed 3 lbs combined. They'll be three in September. You can see the rest of our story/blog at:

I'm looking for other moms who share in the experience of raising a child(ren) with medical challenges stemming from an early birth and all the complications that go with it. Why am I looking? To share experiences, give encouragement, troubleshoot problems, have a sounding board. Because, as you know, vents, trachs, tubes, feeding issues are all things that one doesn't read about during pregnancy. And I figure there is always something to be learned from others who are going or have gone through similar experiences. If you want, you can contact me at:
I hope you will.

Best wishes,

Jenny Stockwell
Ben & Bruce's mom

Anne said...

I'm very happy to hear that Kiera is doing so well and that she is getting closer to CPAP trials.